Situation-Aware Workflow Management


Partners: Prologics IT GmbH, Linz, Österr. Kontrollbank AG, RailCargo Austria AG

Funding: FFG - Basisprogramm

Employed Technologies: -


Team: Thomas Svoboda, DI (FH) Wolfgang Gottesheim, DI (FH) Dr. Stefan Mitsch, Assoc. Prof. Mag. Dr. Wieland Schwinger M.Sc., a.Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Werner Retschitzegger

Summary of Project Focus. Business processes face constantly changing context factors like varying customer behavior or market conditions that force to adapt the underlying workflows to these evolving situations. Information overload induced by the diversity of context factors, however, leads to the inability to provide coherently modeled, comprehensible, and re-usable workflows, the failure to recognize relevant situations in time, and finally, the lack of provenance information urgently needed for optimizing workflows. The main goal of our research project ProFlow is to leverage situation awareness in all phases of business process management. ProFlow will be based on a generic ontology-driven framework for situation perception, comprehension and projection and will employ aspect-oriented techniques for achieving extensible workflow models and tracking of provenance information.



  1. Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger, Stefan Mitsch, Wolfgang Gottesheim, Birgit Pröll, Gustavo Rossi, Norbert Baumgartner, Robert Hutter. Making Workflows Situation Aware - An Ontology-Driven Framework for Dynamic Spatial Systems. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-based Applications & Services (iiWAS2011). Taniar, David and Pardede, Eric and Nguyen, Hong-Quang and Rahayu, J. Wenny and Khalil, Ismail, editors, pages: 182-188. 2011. PDF BibTeX
  2. 2010

  3. Wolfgang Gottesheim, Stefan Mitsch, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger. WorkAware - Situation-Aware Workflow Management. Proceedings of International Conference on Knowledge Management and Information Sharing (KMIS 2010). pages: 246-252. 2010. PDF BibTeX